It's cool to see a new Black Hammer short story for next year's Free Comic Book Day. I'm looking forward to seeing Letizia Cadonici's take on Colonel Weird.

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Hey Jeff, just to answer your questions I would love to be a paid subscriber if it included weekly comics from you. Comics that would not be available in comic shops and exclusive here only because I would rather wait for them and print if they were to be printed later. Also, I would like more black hammer miniseries. I think you can delve more to the characters that way, and still do the thing you do where they are all interconnected. Maybe they lead into a Main Black Hammer series at the end

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I loved quantum age and anything inspired by vertigo horror. I would read anything black hammer that went in that direction without fail

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As someone who was a paid subscriber to your substack, I MISS it! Would love to see that come back. The "From the Vault" posts were some of my favorites to come across the inbox and getting to read the early version of Fishflies in my inbox each week was a pleasure.

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I’d pay for a subscription immediately!

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Black Hammer has always been my favorite comic universe releasing. I collect all covers and it's the first thing I read every release week. I will say, though, I really miss the early days of the down to earth stories back on the farm! I'd love to see a new, grounded, series within the universe. Especially one that new readers can jump into! I work in a comic shop and though I'm always excited for a new arc or mini series set in the world, at times it's difficult to suggest something like The End or Spiral City without also suggesting an omnibus of previous stories. I'd just love to see something self contained like how Barbalien or Doctor Andromeda were. Not even necessarily with our original team. I've always been a sucker for The Horseless Rider. *nudge nudge* Regardless of where the future of the world goes, I'll always be first to pick up a copy! I love all that you do, so keep up the great work, man!


When Phantom Road comes back it'll be like a holiday for me and the customers at the shop I work at 🙏

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OG (paid) subscriber and loved the weekly posts back in the day...and thus, would love and pay for them again whenever you'd like.

I dig the BH mini's, as you can explore and dive into the individual characters a bit more with them. Of course, when you then tie them all together in on a longer mini-series (or ongoing), it's also pretty great. How's that for an answer? Just do what works best for your schedule and we'll keep buying and reading it.

Any plans for a return to your horror comics in the near future?

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Dear Jeff, I was a subscriber and loved the behind the scenes posts, the preview art, the serials comics here, and all the extras. I don't expect as much this time around but if you could provide a post 2 times a month and give us access to the archive post, I would be pay to be a subscriber again. It really feels good to know that our money (minus the substack service fees) goes to support you directly.

I'm in the minority, I'm more interested in your new stories that aren't Black Hammer. I'll still read BH, of course. But your new cartoonist stories is what I like most at this time of my life.

All the best! Peace, maka

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I would love to go back to a subscription model! Keep up the good work.

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I loved the slow burn on the first BH run, but to me the pinnacle was Cosmagog. Perhaps and ongoing with a series of arcs?

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I would absolutely join a paid tier especially for any updates on my favorite current project of yours Phantom Road! (Love all your work especially enjoying Major Arcana and BH/ JLA currently. Phantom Road just scratches every itch- excellent work)

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I was a paid subscriber before here with you during that whole period on Substack and have been a paid Kindt sub for a number of years, so definitely up for something with you again if it'll be at least semi-regular and whatnot like what you describe and depending on price, etc.

As far as Black Hammer, I think we all just want MORE! I'd love to see some early Abraham Slam stuff, more Skulldigger, more tales from within Madame Dragonfly's cabin, more new characters, origins to things, more farm stuff, more everything. Anything that feels like an outlet for you.

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I would absolutely be interested in a paid option coming back for the newsletter! I’ve really been enjoying the BH miniseries. Would love to see more Skulldigger, or maybe some side stories from the early days on the farm?

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+1 for the return of the paid subscription, I'm in.

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I'd really enjoy a return to the paid subscription newsletter. I really enjoyed the sneak peaks into books and the process. Was lucky enough to get a sketch.

I'd love to see more Black Hammer, but i'm kind of open to whatever stories you're feeling when they come. Each installment feels like a love letter to different eras, styles, and characters and i'd be glad to take in that world when you've found the right beat.

Or like...BH Spider-Man. That'd be cool, too.

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I've always enjoyed the character focused stories with lower, but more personal stakes. I also love it when the series skews more towards the horror side of things. There are certainly areas of the World of Black Hammer I'd like to see explored further, like Madame Dragonfly's second child, the one that was buried at the Black Hammer farm. And I'm still curious about how the Black Hammer Squadron is connected to the heroes called Black Hammer, a connection teased in "Horrors to Come". And, of course, I'd love to see Dani return to do more with Willow D. Whisper. Knowing how much Tyler Crook loves drawing swamp monsters, I can't help but think he'd do a great story with Dragonfly's swamp monster partner. And I'd love to see a story with TLKY-WLKY as the main character—I can't get enough of her. As for the format—ongoing, miniseries, or even OGN—that entirely depends on the story you want to tell.

I'll also echo the sentiments of others here that a Patreon would be cool. Certainly I'd love to see some short stories or serialised stories set in the Bone Orchard Mythos. (Shadow Eater needs some other stories to be collected with.) And, of course, Black Hammer is a very natural fit for serialised stories, especially if it was exploring the pulp era.

I loved the "From the Vault" posts you used to do. Those sorts of behind-the-scenes pieces are fantastic. I'd love to see some of them make their way into the comic collections as extras.

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