New to this platform and was curious on how to go about getting a paid subscription to read new chapters released on here! Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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Hey, Jeff!

I'm curious if you have a process or tips for writing a synopsis/loglines for your graphic novels when pitching a project.

Thanks and hope you have a wonderful new year!

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Whatever happened to the project you teased with Emi Lenox?

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Thanks for the update Jeff! Will we still see any secret store drops or early art drops through the newsletter now that it’s free to read? I would love to see another collaboration between you and Jock after snow angels, any chance of that on the horizon?

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Happy New Year, Jeff! Will the music playlists continue in Royal City Vol. 2? And if so, have your song selections changed in terms of genre or mood?

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How do you feel about Richard Sala's art/ books?

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btw your process on Mazebook made me think about him (his Delphine series...).

btw2 great to hear you're inspired by Gipi and Flao!

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Any plans for a family tree compendium? Talk about another print run of the question graphic novel? Thanks for all the amazing work!

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On Amazon, the solicit for Volume 2

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You always talk about how you work with some artists that you just mesh with super well and continue to work with over and over again. Guys like Andrea, Dustin and Gabriel Walta, I read in your last post that you’re working on a new creator owner project with The incredible Stefano Simeone, would you say he’s joined your small but amazing group of artists you have a similar bond with that you could see yourself working with for years on end? Thank you and keep up the insane work.

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What is the work-life balance like when you create comics? Do you find it easier or more difficult to spend time with your family than you would working a 9 to 5?

Love the comics! Thanks for being prolific enough to keep my bookshelf full 😊

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Hey Jeff, met you at a signing at Treehouse, I was the guy who worked in film. Just curious to know, what was it like showrunning Essex County and how were you able to translate your skill in writing comic scripts into writing television episodes? What was the collaborative process like with the art department in bringing your story to life? Can't wait for the premiere. Also, are you considering doing the same for other adaptations of your works?

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Hey Jeff! Last year I was asking you how to get into comics and thankfully this year I published my first cover for a comic and found a small publisher to put out my first graphic novel as well as pencilling for their companies characters! First thanks for what you said in my first question. I saved your answer and read it when I had doubts. This year I’m so happy to ask this new question which is now that I’m still working full time and drawing and inking my own graphic novel and another writers I’ve been finding it hard to know which book to focus on! I tried going back and forth, but I think that way is too slow! Do you have tips about how you break up your schedule now and also how you broke it up when you had a day job as well? Thanks Jeff!! You’re the man.

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Jeff, it would be really cool if we could still access the posts from the previous year. Read them all, but for example I'm missing one PDF download from Fishflies and it's driving me nuts!

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Second that :)

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Is Plutona part of the Black Hammer universe?

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AMA: Is music a part of your writing/drawing process? If so, what kinds of stuff do you listen to while creating?

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That's awesome, can't wait to hear more!

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